Call us at 1-800-ROOFMAXX
Call us at 1-800-ROOFMAXX

Dealer FAQs

You’ve come to the right place. Below we’ve answered the questions we hear most about becoming a Roof Maxx dealer. More questions? Email us at and we’ll get back to you right away.

Click on a question below to see its answer on the right:

What Are You Looking For In a Roof Maxx Dealer?

No specific experience is required, but on a basic level, we’re looking for:

  • - People who will be confident educating customers about the benefits of Roof Maxx
  • - No fear of heights and a high comfort level on rooftops
  • - Some kind of sales, management or business experience if possible
  • - A truck and trailer or van devoted to transporting and promoting Roof Maxx
  • - A minimum $65,000 up-front investment for a single territory, and a more significant investment for multiple territories or large metropolitan areas